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I read this list created by Katherine Young of top 6 tips that a future intern should know when going for interview whether the interview is for an internship or a position at a company. The list is very useful and good to keep in mind when going out into the real world.  The list was written as follows:

1. Do your homework

The author states that you should read about the company and the clients the company has worked with so you have knowledge about what you’re getting yourself into.

2. Stay focused

In my experience going to a few interviews, it definitely impresses the interviewer if you know what you’re talking about. You should go into an interview knowing what you’re applying for, which can help build more self-confidence.

You want to be taken seriously when going for an interview, so eye-contact and engaging in conversation is very important. From talking to professionals, a lot of “likes” and “ums” doesn’t really show you’re a serious candidate for the position. Also, listening to what the interviewer is asking and then thinking before speaking is very important.

3. Be inquisitive

The author mentions that it is important to come with questions for the interviewer. You want to learn more about the company and the position to see if it’s really what you’re looking for. Asking questions will only show the interviewer that you are truly interested in the company and the job that is available. With my little experience in going to interviews, if you don’t ask questions then you may be getting yourself into a job you absolutely hate.

4. Make your experience relevant

This is something important that the author talks about. I feel that it sets you apart from other candidates. She talks about how you should mention to the interviewer things you have accomplished that make you most suitable for the position.  If the interviewer can see what you’re capable of from your past accomplishments, maybe he or she will believe you have the most potential.

5. Showcase your best you

The author talks about coming to the interview looking and acting professional. No company wants to hire a slob or someone who acts like they aren’t responsible enough to take on the job. You want to go into the interview dressed properly and with a good attitude. First impressions are extremely important.

6. Plan to be early

Lastly she mentions to be early. Anything can happen on your way to the interview, but the interviewer is not going to care what excuse you have as to why you’re late. I like to go by the saying that I heard from the movie Drumline: “to be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. And to be late is the unthinkable.”


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  1. […] the dreaded job search. Crystal Barce does a good job recapping and applying six tips in her post Interview Tips Every PR Rookie Should Know. A tip post is good if the tips are applicable. Crystal show how to do just […]

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